Friday, May 12, 2017

My first step in South America: destination COLOMBIA!

I always knew that if I'd go to South America, I'd never ever wanted to leave that place again. And so it was: point being, I know myself too well. But why South America was such a strong experience and why it gave me such a powerful energy, some of which I am still using up to now, in order to survive to this western world that doesn't suit me at all? Well, the reasons are many, however I'll try to sum them up: 
The people, of course! As soon as I stepped out of the plane in Medellin, risking to miss my connection to Cartagena because of the delay, I was immediately reassured by the check-in attendants, young boy and girl, who told me: "tranquila, tienes tiempo!" with a big smile on their faces. I felt immediately better, managed to catch my plane and even got my backpack delivered, despite 3 layovers and the delay! This is what happens when you do not worry too much about things, in the first place :-) 
People from Carribean
The impressions about people were confirmed during my stay in Cartagena and on the Isla Grande, part of the Islas del Rosario. Not only Colombians, who are extremely nice, but Latinos in general, are some of the nicest people I have ever met. And I think this is also due to the fact that I felt really home, being them so similar to Southern Italians, for their way of approaching, speaking to you, acting among other people, smiling, believing in fatalities, enjoying present life and not worrying too much about "tomorrow". Life will always give you solutions, if you believe so! The food: oh! Food! So similar to what we eat here! Meaning, a lot of fresh fish and vegetables. Too bad we do not have their amazing coconut rice and fried platanos, these really made my stay over there! And the ceviche, made of fresh lobster and shrimps, how delicious was that! There was a fisherman on the island who brought it on a small wooden boat directly to the beach, every day! And you would eat your plate straight into the water, that amazing Caribbean water! I am still dreaming of it! The language, my favorite language in the world! When you go to a place and you speak the language, obviously things are way easier and the contact with locals becomes immediate. But my biggest satisfaction came when they asked me from which part of South America did I come from!?? And not just for the language, but also for the way I look ;-) This is the best compliment one can give me, also because I am and I feel a Latina after all ;-) Plus, every time I go to a Spanish speaking country, I feel that my language skills improve more and more and I simply adore speaking and listening to this language! The music: when I lived in Belgium, one of the first things that I noticed when going out, was the fact that despite the nice music, people wouldn't dance, unless they got drunk. In Naples, as soon as people hear a note, they start moving, and the same happens in South America, where music and dance mean culture. It is very common to get involved in street shows, and music is everywhere, all the time. Even better, on the Isla I lived in a house where the guy managing it was also a DJ, so we basically had great music at all times, day, evening and night! He was also playing at parties we organized on the beach surrounded by a mangroves wood, these parties gathered people - not so many, as the island at that time was not so full - from all over the world and this, together with the music, is one of the best memories I have of this trip. 

Mangroves Wood on the Isla Grande
The nature: you see trees, colors of the sea, animals and landscapes that you have never seen before. The nature over there is so majestic, human beings have to adapt to it and live according to it, not the other way around. 

Trees on Isla Grande

The colors: not just the ones of the nature, but also the ones of the cities, at least, of Cartagena. All houses are nicely painted, with such strong colors that make you happy just by looking at them, they give you an immediate shoot of "alegria", and that doesn't leave you for the entire time you're there. 

Me and my selfie-stick in Cartagena
Steeets of Cartagena 

Fruit seller in Cartagena
The superstitions, the traditions and the faith: South Americans have so many amulets, so many superstitions linked to traditions and faith that I really felt like I was back in Naples, one of the cities with the most superstitious people in the world ;-) I bought myself a "horseshoe" with a holy cross linked to it and a prayer included in the package, in order to protect my home and my beloved ones. 
I also bought myself and my dear ones a dream-catcher, there is one in almost every South-american house. The legend wants that the bad dreams stay caught in the net and the good ones pass thru the air, get out of the house, and become true. I like this story!
Last but not least, during this trip I discovered the Palo Santo, a mystical tree that only grows in South America and that it's used for all purposes, by burning it. It can be an incense, but it is mainly used to get rid of negative energies and clear the air. I bought a bag of it in the market in Cartagena and I light it up all the time now that I am back home, the smell of it is just so nice!
The art-craft: I couldn't resist, and in Cartagena I bought myself sandals, bags, paintings, stuff for the house, a hand-painted original Panama hat etc...the colors of the city are reflected in everything they produce, and I decided that my house and myself deserved a tropical touch! 

Artesania en Cartagena


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