I travel, initially, to lose myself; and I travel, next, to find myself. I travel to open my heart and eyes and learn more about the world than any newspapers or books will ever accommodate. I travel to be less ignorant and more knowledgeable. I travel to open my soul to parts of the world that once seemed so far away from me. I travel to confirm how good human beings can be, doesn't matter to which race, country, social status or religion they belong to. I travel to believe and trust. I travel to overcome my imagination. I travel because it makes of me a better person. I travel to become stronger and fearless. I travel because I don't want any destinations but all. I travel because it makes me tired and wishing I was comfortably at home. I travel because sometimes it doesn't go according to plans. I travel to make my world more colorful. I travel because my memories will stay with me forever and they are all mine. I travel, in essence, to slow time down, get taken in and fall in love over and over again. LOVE IS ALL THAT MATTERS.
So...who am I? Gaia, most of the times tired of conventional life ;o)
Where there is a will, there is a way! <3